When you first bring home your puppy, their coat is usually fine, wavy & easy to manage - this is the perfect time to get your pup used to being brushed out regularly, giving treats for good behaviour will help them to enjoy being groomed at home. At around 6-12 months your pup will start to lose their fluffy puppy coat & their thicker, curlier adult coat will come through. Puppy coat & adult coat do not mix well & often, despite your best intentions, they may become easily matted (tight knots & tangles). It is important to take your pup to the groomers regularly as soon as possible after their first vaccinations. It is vital that they learn to accept and enjoy the grooming process, which includes bathing, a very loud hairdryer, noisy clippers, sharp scissors near their face and a lot of sitting still. A lack of regular grooming from an early age may result in a ‘groomer asbo’ as a scared dog who is unused to being groomed will often resort to aggression to try & stop the groom.